Regional Radio Clubs

ARCI - Antique Radio Club of Illinois

Schematics and Manuals

BAMA - Boat Anchor Manual Archive, an excellent resource for hard to find manuals

Nostalgia Air - Online source for radio schematics

Frank's Electron Datsheets - Datasheets and pinouts for almost every tube ever made

Philco Repair Bench - Service Information for Philco Radio Restoration

Radio Parts and Vacuum Tubes

Mike Marx Vacuum Tubes - SND Vacuum tubes. Great source for hard to find tubes.

Radio Daze - Supplier of various parts and accessories

Renovated Radios - Supplier of reproduction knobs, buttons and other parts

Richmond Designs Inc Grile Cloth and Speaker Fabric

Antique Electronic Supply - Vacuum tubes and various parts

Old Radio Parts - Volume control sales and rebuilding, Capacitors and Dials

The Voice of Music - Great Source for Vintage Phonograph Parts

Online Radio Discussion Forums

Antique Radio Forum - Forum for discussion of radios, radio restoration and cabinet repair.

The Philco Forum - Forum for discussion of all things Philco

Other Radio Related Resources

C. Crane Company, Inc. - Seller of Radios

Antique Radio Classified - Publication for the sale and trade of antique radios

Zenith Oracle - Cross reference Zenith radios by serial number, model number or chassis number

Cape Old Radio - Under Tube/Valve, you can search for models based on tube lineup

Model Search by Tube Lineup - More extensive search for radio model by tune lineup

Vacuum Tube Era - Many useful out of print documents and vintage electronics resources

A Telecommunications Timeline - A Timeline of the History of Telecommunications